Ministry Of Health Terms


  • “H” = Health submission
  • “A” = alphabetical letter, month submission created

A = January

B = February

C = March

D = April

E = May

F = June

G = July

H = August

I = September

J = October

K = November

L = December

An example would be HA123456.324 which is interpreted as follows.....

“H”                health submission

“A”                for the month of January

"123456"     provider 6-digit number

".324"           each submission is assigned a three digit extension


“B” = Batch acknowledgement that your submission was received by MOH

“A” = the month

An example of a batch acknowledgement would be BA00159.247 which is interpreted as follows.....

“B”               batch acknowledgment

“A”               for the month of January

"00159"      batch number assigned by the Ministry of Health

".247"          each batch is assigned a three digit extension

Claims Errors

  • “E” = Errors - i.e. incorrect version codes
  • “A” = the month

An example of an error would be EA123456.151 which is interpreted as follows.....

“E”               claims error

“A”               for the month of January

"123456"    provider number

".151"          each error is assigned a three digit extension


  • “P” = Payment
  • “A” = the month of the payment

An example of a remittance advice would be PA123456.645 which is interpreted as follows.....

“P”               payment file

“A”               for the month of January

"123456"    provider number

".645"          each remittance is assigned a three digit extension